In order to increase web traffic, website owners use various marketing tools. Some prefer using only time-tested methods, while others are constantly looking for new opportunities. Those who are not afraid to discover new options, experiment with CPV (click-per-visit) traffic. Though, CPV is a comparatively new marketing method, it gives excellent results and is getting more and more popular with Internet marketers worldwide.
Several years ago click-per-visit marketing was making its first steps and only a handful of marketers used this method for increasing web traffic. Today, the number of CPV networks is constantly growing, and you will hardly find a marketer who has not heard about CPV or tried to use this method for his/her own benefits.
However, to avail all advantages of this method it is necessary to learn its basics. By tweaking a few parameters related to this marketing scheme, you will reach your targeted audience and increase quality of web traffic.
Here are a few hints on how to make CPV marketing work for you.
Though it may sound strange, but the first thing you need to do is to bid on the misspelled words. Thus, task number one is to identify the most common misspellings of keywords. If people are looking for the products/services you offer using misspelled words, why not take advantage of this? In doing this, you will get the following benefits:
lower prices on each keyword
lower competition between the keywords.
The other benefit of Using CPV marketing is that fact, that you can identify rival websites and drive their traffic to your own webpage. This is especially advantageous for marketers who want to increase quality of traffic using automated techniques. There are several free methods that help locate rival websites. The easiest and the most popular one is a keyword tool offered by Google.
The next aspect you need to consider is the image of the squeeze page. Most experts say that you have only a few seconds to arrest the attention of visitors. Thus, make sure you are using interesting and appealing images.
If you want to turn visitors to buyers, you need to know their interests. Therefore, your next step is identifying demographic of your website ( gender, age, etc.). Doing this is possible by entering URLs into special tools which you will easily find online.
And finally, if you consider creating a CPV campaign it is highly recommended looking for high-traffic websites using free tools. The amount of website traffic is contingent on the type of the marketed product.
By following the above mentioned recommendations you will increase your chances of driving more traffic to your website, as well as improving quality of this traffic.
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